

Room 9
Brightwater School

2 February  2021

Dear Room 9                                           

This is an outline of what I expect for homework this year, so that you, your parents and I are all clear
about the expectations. The homework tasks are designed so that everyone can complete them at their
own level. If you are working hard and doing your best, you are a winner in Room 9!
  • You should know, or be learning,  your basic addition and subtraction facts up to 20, and be able to recall them with speed. 
  • You should learn your multiplication tables so that you can recall them accurately. You will have a maths homework sheet to complete each week.
  • Some of you will have directed reading homework. I expect that everyone will read silently, or 
with an adult, for at least 20 minutes every night. Most of you will have the opportunity to make
your own choices about reading material eg: library books, journals, magazines, newspaper etc.
You need to record your daily reading in the back of your homework book.
  • Each week you will have 10 spelling words to learn from your list. Your words will be tested at school on Friday.
  • Occasionally you may have homework related to our Topic Work or you may need to complete work not finished during the day.

You will present this orally to the class and your written summary of the key points
(who, where, when, what, why/how) will be displayed on your blog. Remember to include your
opinion and the source you used, as well as a glossary explaining any difficult words. You could
include a link to the news article online, a map, a picture or a news video.

This framework is flexible enough to give you time off, but as you can see there is always a ‘little’
homework to do.
If you’ve got any questions or are worried about your homework we can have a chat about things.
Please share this letter with your parents.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Edwards